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Vitale Class Autoclave - Cristófoli Autoclave for Dental Clinics

What the Autoclave Vitale Class can do for you?



The Vitale Autoclave is top lead sales in Brazil and it's available in two sizes: 12 and 21 liters. Digital and easy to handle, it is ideal for dental and medical clinics. .

Learn the steps of the sterilization


The Vitale Class Autoclave has Cristófoli quality and its submitted to strict production control to provide safe and effective equipment for your medical or dental clinic.


Vitale Class Autoclave

Developed in the Cristófoli quality standards, the Vitale Class Autoclave is an equipment with a modern design, automatic dual voltage that works on all electrical networks and is available in two models: 12 and 21 liters. It has a sensor which cross pressure and temperature information’s that is transferred to the indicative LEDs on the panel, providing a great accuracy in the reading of these parameters and an easier way to visualize and monitored the cycle. It has a single sterilization program that takes approximately 1 hour to perform an entire cycle and its drying stage is with door half-open. Constructed with stainless steel lid and chamber for an easy cleaning and 21 security systems, that allows a great performance of the equipment, more comfort and safety to the operator. 1-year warranty. Ideal for dentistry (general clinics and other specialties) and medical clinics (dermatology and ophthalmology). This equipment is manufactured by Cristófoli Biossegurança, Brazilian importing company and manufacturer of health care products certified by ISO 13485 – Health care Products – Quality Management System – Requirements for Regulatory Purposes and compliance with RDC 16/2013- BPF – Boas Práticas de Fabricação – ANVISA requirements (Brazilian standard similar to GMP - FDA/US).

Technical Specifications

Vitale Class 12. Vitale Class 21.
For further information, refer to the manual of instructions

Download instructions manual

Cristófoli Technical Support

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Contact us. We attend from Monday to Fridayy, from 8am to noon and from 1h30pm to 6h00pm – Brasília time zone (except on holidays).
+55 44 3518-3412 /

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Practical guide for Sterilization

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Cristófoli Specialized Technicians

Registre seu produto By purchasing our equipment, you will count with the biggest technical assistance network in Brazil. It is more than 370 points in the country and in more than 30 countries in Latin America, Europe and Asia.

How to use the Autoclaves Cristófoli

The Vitale Autoclave 12 liters attends the needs of dental clinics (endodontics, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, prosthesis, dentistry and beauticians) and medical clinics (dermatology and ophthalmology). The Vitale Autoclave 21 liters attends dental clinics (implantology and surgery), medical clinics (gynecology and plastic surgery) and veterinary clinics. It has intelligent software that guarantees sterilization safety. Everything is easier to use with the explicative LEDs and alarms that guides you about the steps of the entire cycle, besides its extra drying function.

Learn the sterilization steps.

Sterilization steps


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Learn more about Sterilization and Monitoring