Cristófoli Ultrasonic Cleaner

Cristófoli Ultrasonic Cleaner

Ultrasonic Cleaner

Allows an efficient cleaning of clinical instruments by ultrasonic frequency (cavitation).

It works mainly in areas of difficult access or locations that are inaccessible to brushes’ bristles.

Provides 5 cleaning cycles with or without heating.

Reduces water consumption and cleaning time.

Provides more safety to the professional (operator) by minimizing contaminated material handling, also reducing the risk of accidents with pointy/sharp instruments and avoiding cross contamination.

Its using is in accordance with the latest recommendations on biosafety.

1 year warranty.

For further information, see the manual.

Cristófoli, brazilian importing company and manufacturer of health care products certified by ISO 13485 – Health care Products – Quality Management System – Requirements for Regulatory Purposes and compliance with RDC 665/2022 - BPF – Boas Práticas de Fabricação – ANVISA requirements (Brazilian standard similar to GMP - FDA/US).

Color Options White with bicolor control panel (blue/green)
Useful Capacity 2,1 Liters
Voltage 127 V or 220 V
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Total Capacity 2,5 Liters
Dimensions External (W x H x D) - 28,5 x 18,5 x 22,5 cm / Internal - Stainless steel chamber - 24,8 x 8 x 14,8 cm
Gross Weight 3 kg
Ultrasonic Frequency 42 kHz
Warranty 1 year
ANVISA Register 10363359003

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Manual Cuba de Ultrassom Cristófoli - Port. Rev.5-2024 - MPR.00231.pdf
Manual Cuba de Ultrassom Cristófoli - Ing. Rev.5-2024.pdf
Manual Cuba de Ultrassom Cristófoli - Esp. Rev.5-2024 - MPR.00620.pdf

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