Social and Environmental Responsibility
Cristófoli Biossegurança has not measured efforts to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in all senses. Among the company priorities are the commitment to the environment and implementation of supporting programs for teenagers and children, contributing to their psychosocial development.
EnvironmentCristófoli’s actions regarding the environment are based on the consciousness that this is the path to protect life on Earth. Among the activities performed by Cristófoli are the removal of materials that harm the environment, the River Km 119 Revitalization Project in Campo Mourão, where seedlings are planted in rural properties, and the production of an environmental education booklet. In 2006, Cristófoli decided to shred and reuse all printed paper from the company departments and use it to replace the padding foam used for wrapping small parts of the industry.
Teenagers and Children SupportIn 2005, it was developed the project “Company at Sport”, in a partnership with the Campo Mourão Sports Foundation, for sports initiation centers of basketball and support to the leading teams from Campo Mourão at the Official State Games. Among the social actions performed are the support for the maintenance of the “Lar Dona Jacira” which take care of children in situations of social and health risk, and the “Formando Cidadão” project, that in partnership with the local police and Social Action Secretary of Campo Mourão promotes the vocational training and professionalization of boys between ages 14 and 17.
Social CommitmentCristófoli, aware of the importance of its participation for the improvement of the lives of hundreds of people, has been present side by side with many Non-governmental organizations projects, such as “Neighborly Friends” in Ceará or “Brazilian Health Expedidions” in Campinas-SP., which acts in the Amazon. Cristófoli has provided protection for these communities through the donation of biosafety equipment focused on oral health care.
Some of the beneficiaries are:
- Associação dos Expedicionários da Saúde - Campinas (SP);
- Turma do Abrigo - Franca (SP);
- Fundação Galileo - Santos (SP);
- Sociedade Amparo Fraterno Casa do Caminho - São Paulo (SP);
- Amigos do Bem - Muriti (CE);
- Instituto Nosso Lar - Governador Valadares (MG);
- Centro de Educação Santa Rita - Campo Mourão (PR);
- Inst. de Assist. Social Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora - Niterói (RJ);
- AMCRA - Assoc. Amigos das Crianças – Araras (SP);
- Instituto Branemark - Bauru (SP);
- SAE – Hospital DATE - Botucatu (SP);
- SENAI - São Paulo (SP);
- Juventude Solidária - São Paulo (SP);
- Instituto Mario Romanach - Rio de Janeiro (RJ);
- Associação Helping Hands do Brasil - São Paulo (SP);
- Casa do Homem do Amanhã - Niterói (RJ);
- Projeto Tesourinha - São Paulo (SP);
- Centro Espírita Caminho da Redenção - Salvador (BA);
- Ação Social Paula Frassinetti - Belo Horizonte (MG);
- Lar Escola Rafael Maurício - Bauru (SP);
- Associação Expedicionários da Saúde - Campinas (SP);
- Empire Orto Center - Campo Grande (MS);
- Escola Tec. Aliança - Itaquaquecetuba (SP);
- Fundação Ed. de Barretos - Barretos (SP);
- Instituto de Amparo a Criança Asas Brancas - Taboão da Serra (SP);
- Prefeitura Mun. de Maximiliano de Almeida - Maximiliano de Almeida (RS);
- Prefeitura Municipal de Farol - Farol (PR);
- Projeto Saúde e Alegria - Santarém (PA);
- SESP PMPR CPI 11º BPM - Campo Mourão (PR);
- Sociedade dos Amigos F Vl Prudente - São Paulo (SP).